În conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului General de Protecţie a Datelor (UE) nr. 679/ 2016 – RGPD sau Regulamentul, privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi libera circulaţie a acestor date, CN POŞTA ROMÂNĂ SA - CNPR prelucrează date cu caracter personal în scopuri legitime, cu respectarea principiilor menţionate în continuare.
Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal se realizează cu responsabilitate prin mijloace mixte (manuale şi automate), cu respectarea cerinţelor legale şi în condiţii care să asigure securitatea, confidenţialitatea, integritatea, disponibilitatea, transparenţa şi respectarea drepturilor persoanelor vizate.
1. Principii ale prelucrării datelor cu caracter personal
Notificarea: CNPR în calitate de operator de date cu caracter personal este notificat la Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal fiind înregistrat cu nr. 8077 din 10.01.2008;
Legalitatea: Datele cu caracter personal sunt prelucrate cu buna-credinţă, în temeiul şi în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare, inclusiv conform prevederilor Regulamentului;
Scopul şi limitarea determinată de scop: Orice prelucrare de date cu caracter personal se face în scopuri bine determinate, explicite şi legitime, adecvate, pertinente şi neexcesive prin raportare la scopul în care sunt colectate şi ulterior prelucrate;
Confidenţialitatea: Persoanele care prelucrează, în numele CNPR, date cu caracter personal au prevăzut în contractul individual de muncă şi în “fişa postului” o clauză explicită de confidenţialitate privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal;
Consimţământul persoanei vizate: În anumite situaţii, cu excepţia prelucrărilor care vizează date din categoriile strict menţionate în Regulament, prelucrarea poate fi efectuată numai dacă persoana vizată şi-a dat consimtământul în mod expres şi neechivoc pentru acea prelucrare; în celelalte situaţii CNPR va efectua prelucrarea, deasemenea, în conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului şi ale legislaţiei în vigoare;
Informarea: Persoanele vizate sunt informate în mod explicit, prin mijloace online şi offline, cu privire la faptul că li se vor prelucra date cu caracter personal în scopul realizării serviciilor CNPR;
Protejarea persoanelor vizate: Persoanele vizate au garantat dreptul de informare şi de acces la datele care sunt prelucrate, dreptul de rectificare, dreptul de restricţionare şi dreptul de ştergere a datelor, dreptul de portabilitate a datelor şi dreptul de a nu fi supuse unei decizii individuale de prelucrare a datelor personale. Totodată, persoana vizată are dreptul de a se adresa Autorităţii Naţionale de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal sau instanţei de judecată pentru apărarea oricăror drepturi ocrotite de lege, care le-au fost încălcate; Protejarea minorilor: Minorii care au împlinit vârsta de 14 ani pot achiziţiona în nume propriu produse sau servicii şi solicita, respectiv primi comunicări de la CNPR cu acordul reprezentantului legal, conform legii.Orice prelucrare de date cu caracter personal ale minorilor se va realiza numai în condiţiile legii.
Transferul de date: CNPR nu transferă date cu caracter personal, cu excepţia situaţiilor expres prevăzute de lege;
Crearea de profil: CNPR nu creează profiluri ale utilizatorilor de servicii poştale. În cazul studiilor de marketing dezvoltate de CNPR, este solicitat acordul neechivoc al persoanelor vizate.
Exactitatea: CNPR are nevoie de sprijinul clienţilor săi în furnizarea datelor pentru realizarea serviciilor poştale, însă exactitatea acestor date depinde de calitatea informaţiilor livrate de persoanele vizate şi/ sau de partenerii contractuali;
Identificarea: Pentru soluţionarea solicitărilor referitoare la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal adresate CNPR persoana vizată trebuie să facă dovada efectuării serviciului poştal;
Stocarea: CNPR stochează datele cu caracter personal pentru perioada necesară realizării scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate, respectiv pentru conformarea la prevederile legale în vigoare
Securitatea: CNPR utilizează metode şi tehnologii de securitate, împreună cu politici aplicate salariaţilor şi proceduri de lucru, inclusiv de control, evaluare şi audit, pentru a proteja datele cu caracter personal colectate conform prevederior legale în vigoare.
2. Politica prelucrării datelor cu caracter personal
În conformitate cu principiile Regulamentului şi a legislaţiei în vigoare, CNPR are obligaţia de a prelucra cu responsabilitate datele personale care îi sunt furnizate.
3. Drepturile persoanei vizate
4. Responsabilul cu protecţia datelor
În conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului, CNPR a numit responsabilul cu protecţia datelor la nivelul organizaţiei şi oferă mai multe posibilităţi de comunicare şi informare referitoare la Regulament, respectiv: email: protectia.datelor@posta-romana.ro, web: www.posta-romana.ro, call center: 021/ 9393.
5. Securitatea datelor cu caracter personal
În conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului, CNPR depune eforturi constante, pe deoparte, pentru asigurarea unui nivel de securitate corespunzător şi reducerea/ eliminarea riscurilor care pot afecta datele cu caracter personal prelucrate şi, pe de altă parte, pentru menţinerea capacităţii de a asigura confidenţialitatea, integritatea, disponibilitatea şi rezistenţa continue ale sistemelor şi serviciilor de prelucrare.
6. Gestionarea riscurilor
În ceea ce priveşte riscurile, CNPR ţine seama în special de riscurile prezentate de prelucrarea datelor, generate în special, în mod accidental sau ilegal, de distrugerea, pierderea, modificarea, divulgarea neautorizată sau de accesul neautorizat la datele cu caracter personal transmise, stocate sau prelucrate într-un alt mod.
7. Încălcarea securităţii datelor
Încălcarea securităţii datelor va fi comunicată de CNPR în termenele stabilite de Regulament, fără întârzieri nejustificate, tuturor părţilor implicate aşa cum sunt acestea indicate de Regulament. Pentru mai multe detalii şi informaţii orice persoană interesată se poate adresa Autorităţii Naţionale de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal, contact: Adresa: Bdul. Gral. Gh. Magheru nr. 28-30, sector 1, Bucureşti; Web: www.dataprotection.ro.
Politica de securitate pentru protecţia persoanelor fizice cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal se aplică tuturor salariaţilor CNPR, precum şi tuturor structurilor centrale şi teritoriale ale CN POŞTA ROMÂNĂ SA.
Data: 07.05.2018
Atenție! Poșta Română nu solicită clienților să furnizeze informații bancare confidențiale, numere de card sau coduri PIN și nici efectuarea de plăți online ale unor taxe de livrare.
Here you find the most frequently asked questions about the Romanian Post services.
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A: As of October 1, 2021, CNPR uses the special mechanism provided for postal operators, for declaring and paying VAT on imports, for goods with reduced value (less than EUR 150), introduced in the fiscal code by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 59/2021. Under it, the systematic use of the standard VAT rate (19%) is allowed, in order to facilitate the customs declaration process by C.N. Romanian Post, as representative of the recipients. The valid exchange rates are those of the first working day of October, applied from 1 January of the following year. Rounding the amount of VAT on import is made in lei, by increase, when the fraction is equal or greater than 50 bani, and by reduction, when the fraction is less than 50 bani.
According to the Romanian Fiscal Code, the import VAT tax base consists of the customs value of the goods, respectively the price for the imported goods, to which is added the cost of transport and insurance. According to the Community customs regulations in force, in the case of goods sent by post, the postage paid to the destination is included in the customs value of these goods.
Track& Trace service offers you the possibility of tracking (only on Romanian territory) postal items sent with Romanian Post in every moment, available exclusivly for the services listed below.
In order to find out the status of a postal item, you need to click here and write the 13 characters identification code of which the first and the last two are letters. This identificaton code has no blanks between characters.
Our national postal operators that provide the service offer information regarding the dispatch country and the destination country only. (www.upu.int – UPU – Member countries) based on the posting number - for example: international postal parcel – CO006150666RO or EMS -EM001220590RO.
Track&Trace system is currently available for the services below:
Letter mail service with declared value.
Letter mail service with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.
Printed papers with declared value.
Printed papers with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.
Postal parcels service with declared value.*
Postal parcels with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.
Notified parcels
Prioripost – fixed declared value
Letter mail service with declared value and registered.
Letter mail service with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.
Cash-on delivery letter mail service
Printed papers with declared value and registered.
Printed papers with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.
M Bag that has registered as additional service
Postal parcels
Cash-on delivery postal parcels
Postal parcels with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.
*based on commercial agreement only and under the condition that, at posting, these items are accompanied by the dispatch note that has the barcode preprinted and, on the basis of an electronic posting note.
P.O. Boxes: only Standard mail items that their volume and size allow the insertion into the P.O. Box and are franked by applying postal stamps.
Any postal facility opened to the public (post office, external postal desk, postal agency, rural constituency).
In order to be accepted within the postal network, the insured mail items (insured content) must fulfill the following conditions:
1. To be manufactured so that they can not be spoliated except by affecting the packing or the seals.
2. To be properly sealed, on the envelope closing flap or x-shaped, on all sides, for envelopes, boxes or rolls, without covering the areas necessary for applying the writings or labels, as follows:
with a fine adherent band, individualized, which shall bear a print or a special uniform mark of the sender;
with a transparent adhesive band applied over the area where the sender has previously signed from 8 to 8 cm maximum.
3. To be sealed with wax seals, ink or other printing methods or with a sign of the sender; in this case, the distance between the seals must not exceed 4 cm in case of envelopes, respectively 8 cm in case of boxes or rolls.
4. To be sealed so, as the wax, ink or lead seals should be clearly and fully printed.
5. If the mail item is sealed according to the provisions of paragraph 2, and is tied with a band in x-shaped, it is not necessary to seal the band also.
6. The mail items presented as boxes must fulfill the following additional conditions:
the boxes must be made of wood, metal or plastic material, which must be resistant;
the walls of the wood boxes must have a minimum thickness of 8 mm;
the undersides and uper sides must be covered with white paper in order to write the addresses of the sender and addressee, the insured value and to apply the proper labels of additional services;
these boxes must be sealed on all the 4 sides as it is mentioned at paragraphs 2 - 4;
if the boxes are equipped with special locks, the sealing shall be applied only on the locks.
if necessary, in order to assure the inviolability the boxes must be tied in x-shaped with a rope or resistant band , without knots; the two ends of the band must be jointed by a wax or lead seal which shall bear the print or special mark of the sender.
7. The mail items sent as cases shall be sealed in the place provided for this purpose, on the caps; in case of metallic cases with special locking systems, the rope shall be inserted through the locking system, a double knot shall be made and the label – address shall be attached, and the ends of the rope shall be sealed using wax or lead bearing the print or special mark of the sender
8. If the mail item is presented as metallic case, suitcase, container, bag and is provided with a special locking system, the sealing shall be applied only on the locking and if it is provided with a special locking and sealing system, the mail items shall be sealed by a single wax or lead seal, applied on the ends of the band.
9. During processing, the mail items packed in cardboard boxes are sealed by an individualized or transparent adherent band applied on the closing flap of the box, round the box, as well as in x-shaped or net, according to the volume, content and weight.
For more information, click here
The currency used to express the maximum limits of the declared value for all international mail items is DTS (fr. Droit Tirage Spéciaux) or SDR (eng. Special Drawing Rights).
This currency was created by FMI in 1969 in order to supplement the existing financial reserves in the member countries.
international letter mail service category, international printed papers (books, newspapers, magazines, M bags, cecogram items), international postal parcels, international postal parcels with acknowledgement of receipt (A.R.) or declared value.
Since this currency fluctuates, the maximum limits of the declared value which are found in the international postal items charts are indicative and calculated to an average exchange of 1 DTS= 5,6 lei.
This average exchange (1 DTS= 5,6 lei) is the basis of the tariff calculator for international items. The tariff for the declared value additional service displayed within this section, is merely indicative.
To find out the daily exchange, go to BNR exchange website, stating that the information is updated after 1 PM.
Track& Trace system is available for the following services:
Letter mail service having Insured Mail (V) as additional service
Letter mail service with Acknowledgement of Receipt (A.R.) having Insured Mail (V) as additional service
Printed papers having Insured Mail (V) as additional service
Printed papers with Acknowledgement of Receipt (A.R) having Insured Mail (V) as additional service
Mention: Standard letter mail service cannot pe tracked using the Track&Trace system.
You can find complete information on the post offices that have customs assistance ( address, business hours and contact) in the following chart:
Romanian Post: post offices that have customs assistance
Please contact the post office you previously chose before you pick up your mail item in order to make sure that you have fulfilled all the formalities and you have all the necessary documents to come into posession of the mail item you are expecting.
Track&Trace system is available for the following registered services:
Cash-on-delivery postal parcels
Postal parcels with Acknowledgement of Receipt (A.R) and declared value
Registered Letter mail service and declared value
Letter mail service with Acknowledgement of Receipt (A.R) and declared value
Cash-on delivery letter mail service
Registered printed papers and declared value
Printed papers with Acknowledgement of Receipt (A.R) and declared value
You can send money to another country by using one of our money transfer services that fits your needs best.
P.O. Boxes: only Standard mail items that their volume and size allow the insertion into the P.O. Box and are franked by applying postal stamps.
Any postal facility opened to the public (post office, external postal desk, postal agency, rural constituency).
Postal parcels:
Any postal facility opened to the public (postal office, external postal desk, postal agency, rural constituency).
Prioripost (Express service):
Specialized: Postal subunits included in the PRIORIPOST network.
Items may be collected from sender's location (by telephone notification or based on commercial agreement) in county seats localities.
Essentially, our new website offers commercial information about our products and services. The information is presented from the perspective of the user: the sender or the recipient. Also, the services dedicated to legal persons are to be found in a separate section. Find out more here
Romanian Post is not responsible for any loss or damage of unregistered mail items.
In order to protect your valuable mail items, you need to pay additional charges to cover for their insurance.
In the case of registered mail items which are lost or deteriorated, you are entitled to ask for compensation.
Compensation will be paid by Romanian Post accordingly to the legal provisions in force – G.O. no. 31/2002 as it has been approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 642/2002.
The compensation request can be submitted to any post office accompanied by the postage proof (ticket or receipt) of the mail item in cause.
If you are not satisfied with the answer, you can address the issue to the Regional Director or our headquarters in Bucharest– Dacia Blvd. No 140, sector 2, zip code 020065.
If you are not satisfied with the answer or if the deadline for receiving the answer has passed, you have the possibility to address the isue to the Romanian court.
In order to file an international or national complaint, please look at the bottom of InfoPost form where you have two links ( Domestic Complaints and International Complaints ), fill out the forms and send them. The links are to be found on the site main page and on the pages that describe our services, also.
You can also acces the forms by clicking one of the links listed below:
a specific procedure for the Letter Mail service, as for Direct Marketing services and is addressed, by its facilities, mainly to clients that post significant volumes per postage;
Mail items travel unstamped, following that, the „TP” symbol, Romanian Post approval number and its availability are to be printed on the front side of the envelope;
related fees are globally charged for the entire dispatch;
dispatches are conditioned by a minimum volume
dispatches are conditioned by a minimum volume of 500 mail items for each category, except for legal documents that have no volume limit.
List of post offices that accept TP system
payment modality that presumes the client deposits money in advance to CNPR or its regional branches accounts depending on the designed post office.The amount has to be at least equal to the monthly fees representing the services performed. The advance account is charged as the postal services are performed, following that it is constantly supplied.
The maximum amount to be transferred is 5000 USD (or the equivalent in EUR/LEI).
The sender requests this service when posting the transfer, in exchange for an additional fee.
The service is performed in 41 county seats, at the post offices authorized to perform this service.
The recipient is contacted by the postal worker to establish the currency agreed for the transfer and the delivery hours.
Romanian Post is the only Western Union agent that offers the possibility of delivering the money at the domicile of the recipient. So, if you want to send money from abroad directly to the domicile of the recipient , you can do this by using the Western Union service in partnership with Romanian Post.
The zip code must be provided for all electronic monitored items and all the postal items for which tariff reduction is granted for sorting by zip code. In these cases, posting an item is possible under the condition that the zip code is provided for each item.
The services that allow electronic tracking are:
Prioripost (express service)
Ultrapost (door-to-door express service)
Letter mail service with declared value
Letter mail service with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value
Notified parcels
Printed papers with declared value
Printed papers with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value